Post Consumer

The empty PET packaging, mainly PET bottles, is disposed of by the consumer after use and becomes PET waste. This “waste” is called “post-consumer PET.” Many local governments and waste collection agencies have begun collecting post-consumer PET separately from other household waste.  We, IKV, buy PET Post Consumer Flakes exclusively in Germany to avoid waste tourism. Recycling and environmental protection begins for IKV already in sourcing of the raw materials.
P-Eterinty , endless loop is experienced by IKV.

Reach Us

IKV – Innovative Kunststoffveredelung GmbH
Grisutenstr. 13
14727 Premnitz

Telefon: +49 (0) 33 86/24 31 93
Telefax: +49 (0) 33 86/24 31 88

E-Mail: sales(at)

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